



What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us?








What is biodiversity?

It is the variety of life on Earth, in all its forms and all its interactions. If that sounds bewilderingly broad, that’s because it is. Biodiversity is the most complex feature of our planet and it is the most vital. “Without biodiversity, there is no future for humanity,” says Prof David Macdonald, at Oxford University.


A more philosophical way of viewing biodiversity is this: it represents the knowledge learned by evolving species over millions of years about how to survive through the vastly varying environmental conditions Earth has experienced. Seen like that, experts warn, humanity is currently “burning the library of life”.







bewilderingly 当惑させる、驚きあきれさせる
broad 広い、広々とした
complex 複合の
vital 生命の、死活にかかわる、極めて重要な
philosophical 哲学上の
evolve 発展する、進化する


※David Macdonald オックスフォード大学。動物学者、自然保護論者。(オックスフォード大学のサイトリンクを貼り付けておきます↓)

Professor David Macdonald | Department of Zoology



Do animals and bugs really matter to me?

For many people living in towns and cities, wildlife is often something you watch on television. But the reality is that the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat all ultimately rely on biodiversity. Some examples are obvious: without plants there would be no oxygen and without bees to pollinate there would be no fruit or nuts.




breathe 呼吸する



Just how diverse is biodiversity?

Mind-bogglingly diverse. The simplest aspect to consider is species. About 1.7 million species of animals, plants and fungi have been recorded, but there are likely to be 8-9 million and possibly up to 100 million. The heartland of biodiversity is the tropics, which teems with species. In 15 hectares (37 acres) of Borneo forest, for example, there are 700 species of tree - the same number as the whole of North America.



mindbogglingly わけの分からないぐらいに、どぎもを抜くぐらいに
aspect 外観、局面、側面
fungi (fungusの複数形)
fungus 菌類、キノコ類
heartland 中核地域、心臓地帯、重要な地域
tropic 回帰線
the tropics 熱帯地方
teem with (容器が)満ちている

※hectare ヘクタール。面積の単位10000平方メートル。アール(100平方メートル)の100倍。アールが10メートル×10メートルの正方形の面積で、ヘクタールが100メートル×100メートル。

※Borneo ボルネオ島。インドネシア、マレーシア、ブルネイ3カ国の領土。島のほぼ中央に赤道がある。





How bad is it?

The extinction rate of species is now thought to be about 1,000 times higher than before humans dominated the planet, which may be even faster than the losses after a giant meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs 65m years ago. The sixth mass extinction in geological history has already begun, according to some scientists.



extinction 絶滅、消火
meteorite 隕石

※ sixth mass extinction 第6の大量絶滅期。恐竜絶滅の時代以来の比率で生物の種が減少している。下記リンクの記事では、標準的な割合に対し、「少なく見積もっても100倍もの速度」との記載がありました。

Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction | Science Advances


bewilderingly 当惑させる、驚きあきれさせる
broad 広い、広々とした
complex 複合の
vital 生命の、死活にかかわる、極めて重要な
philosophical 哲学上の
evolve 発展する、進化する
breathe 呼吸する
mindbogglingly わけの分からないぐらいに、どぎもを抜くぐらいに
aspect 外観、局面、側面
fungi (fungusの複数形)
fungus 菌類、キノコ類
heartland 中核地域、心臓地帯、重要な地域
tropic 回帰線
the tropics 熱帯地方
teem with (容器が)満ちている
extinction 絶滅、消火
meteorite 隕石
