why children need more time outdoors
A rise in shortsightedness has been blamed on young people getting too little daylight
There is a global pandemic that has gone largely unnoticed. Shortsightedness now affects more than 1.6 billion people across the world, especially in city populations, and lack of outdoor daylight is being blamed.
Genetics only partly explains the problem. About a third of children of Chinese origin living in Singapore suffer from myopia, and yet in Australia only 3% of children of Chinese origin have it. Too much reading and screen time has also been discounted.
shortsightedness 近視、近眼
pandemic (病気が)全国[世界]的に流行の
unnoticed 人目につかない、気づかれていない
affect 影響を与える、(病気などが)襲う
Genetics 遺伝学、遺伝的性質
origin 始まり、起こり、起源
myopia 近視、先見の明のないこと
discount 割引する、度外視する