Want to Stop Climate Change? Then It's Time to Fall Back in Love With Nuclear Energy
気候変動を止めたい? それなら原子力エネルギーと寄りを戻す時
Exactly eight years ago, an earthquake off the east coast of Japan set a massive tsunami on a collision course with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The wall of water overwhelmed the reactors’ cooling mechanisms and over the next four days the plant suffered three nuclear meltdowns. It became the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. In response, Germany, Switzerland and some others around the world accelerated their plans to ditch nuclear power as an energy source.
fall back in love with ~を再び愛する
exactly 正確に、ちょうど、(同意の返事で)そのとおり
massive 巨大な
tsunami 津波
nuclear 原子力の
overwhelm 圧倒する、打ちのめす
accelerate 速める、加速する
ditch (名詞)溝、水路、排水溝/(動詞)溝を掘る、脱線させる、見捨てる
collision course 進路の変更がなければ(飛行機などが)衝突を避けられない。比喩的に、議論の対立などでも使う言葉。
Chernobyl チェルノブイリ。1986年。キエフ(当時ソ連、現ウクライナ)近郊のチェルノブイリ原発で起きた事故。
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia