




Wildfires, Flooding and Droughts Could Make Climate Change an Issue in 2020. Some Are Pushing for It to Be the Top One








For years, climate change has been the also-ran of presidential campaign issues, even as the threat has become steadily more serious. Vice President Al Gore, who spent the previous decade calling for action, didn’t center his campaign around the issue during his run in 2000. Barack Obama and John McCain both talked about fighting climate change in 2008, but global warming was dwarfed as an issue by Iraq and the economy. And in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump did not receive a single question on the issue over the course of three debates.

Now, activists, environmentalists and some politicians think the dynamic has shifted, in part because voters are starting to see the effects of climate change in real time.




wildfire 野火、鬼火
flooding 氾濫
drought 干ばつ
issue 発行物、論点
climate change 気候変動
also-ran (競馬の)着外馬、(選挙の)落選者
steadily 着々と、絶え間なく
previous 先の、以前の
dwarf (名詞)こびと(動詞)小さくする
debate 討論、ディベート
voter 投票する人、有権者


※wildfires 2018年11月、カリフォルニア州で大規模な山火事があった。(wikipediaの記事はこちら↓)

2018 California wildfires - Wikipedia

ワシントン州知事のJay Insleeが気候変動を争点に立候補を表明している。(参考記事はこちら↓)

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Has Entered the 2020 Presidential Race Running on a Single Issue: Climate Change - Teen Vogue

※Al Gore アル・ゴア 地球温暖化問題についての啓発活動で知られる。クリントン大統領時代に、副大統領を務めた(1993~2001年)(本人のサイト↓)

About Al Gore — Al Gore

※Barack Obama and John McCain 2008年の大統領選で、バラク・オバマ(民主党)がジョン・マケイン(共和党)に勝利。(参考記事はこちら↓)

Barack Obama defeats John McCain, Nov. 4, 2008 - POLITICO


※ Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump 下記記事によれば、討論会の主なテーマは「abortion, gun rights, immigration and foreign policy(妊娠中絶、銃の権利、移民、対外政策)」だったようです。

What did Clinton and Trump talk about in the debates – and for how long? | US news | The Guardian


